Hundreds Of Birds Drop Dead Due To Fireworks Display On New Years’ Eve In Rome

Noise pollution, fire accidents, garbage…I can list several reasons as to why we shouldn’t burst crackers. But the most disturbing one is the effect it has on animals. The sound, light, and smoke emitted by crackers make birds and animals scared, anxious, and even confused.

In a shocking incident on New Year’s Eve, hundreds of birds died after several people set off fireworks in Rome, reports India Today. The incident occurred at the Italian capital’s main train station. Animal rights groups called it a “massacre” as footage showed dozens of birds, mostly starlings, laying lifeless on the ground.

While the cause of the deaths is unknown, the International Organization for the Protection of Animals said it appeared to be related to the loud display of firecrackers and fireworks in the neighborhood where several birds use to nest.

Loredana Diglio, a spokeswoman for the organization was quoted saying by the New Indian Express,

“It can be that they died from fear. They can fly up together and knock against each other, or hit windows or electric power lines. Let’s not forget they can also die of heart attacks.”  

She further noted that fireworks display causes distress and injury to both wild and domestic animals each year. The unusual concentration of bird deaths came despite a ban on personal fireworks displays by the city of Rome and a 10 pm curfew due to COVID-19 restrictions. The Italian branch of OIPA has banned the selling of firecrackers and fireworks citing the threat to animals.

Bursting of crackers is harmful to the environment. Such tragic incidents can be avoided if humans are more careful and avoid bursting crackers.

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