10 Things That’ll Make You Worthy Of The ‘Best Husband Award’ Certified By The Wife!

A ‘happy wife’ is the key to a ‘happy life’. She is also the crux of numerous water-cooler conversations between husbands/colleagues, discussing their concerns on how to maintain one.

However, it’s a given that despite all the agony aunts writing pseudo-social columns, there is hardly a guide that will help ensure a happy married life. And what would men not give to find one?! Well, let’s just say that you’re in luck because, while we were wondering what good shall we do today, we thought of bringing you the golden rulebook.

So, here’s your list of 10 things that’ll make you worthy of ‘The Best Husband Award’, certified by the wife herself! 

1. Cooking a meal when she has an office presentation to make

Amidst all the responsibilities she shoulders, this is the least, you as a partner can do. So, put on that apron and man the kitchen. It doesn’t even have to be fancy. Just show her you care, be that guy she fell in love with. And it is guaranteed, you’ll win her love all over again.


2. Treating her family as your own 

Now, this goes without saying. Even if you are a silent admirer, it is important you express your respect and love for your in-laws, just as she does. And dear husbands, know that this little thing has the potential to make or mar your marriage!


3. Introducing her with a compliment

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“Hi, meet my beautiful wife,” and see her gush like a high school teenager, crazy in love! This perhaps is the most underrated trick by the book and believe you me, it still works like a charm! And after everything she does, isn’t it worth a try?


4. Opening the door for her

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Chivalry never goes out of vogue! So, it doesn’t matter if you’re married for 10 years, hold that door for her and see that gratification bloom on her face. After all, small things matter big. Don’t they?


5. Staying by her side when she is sick

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This rule by the book is the most important one. Be there for her, when she needs you the most and the admiration you’ll receive in exchange will be unmatched.


6. Making her day with a piping hot morning tea

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I’ll say this again but after all the effort she puts through, day in and day out, bringing her a cup of tea, just the way she likes, doesn’t sound like work, does it? And imagine the satisfaction it’ll give you when you know she owes her first smile of the day, to you!


7. Surprising her with a romantic getaway

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It doesn’t have to be a world tour you know, just one of your regulars to revitalise and it’ll be the happiest you’ll ever see her! So, mark a day in your calendar and take her away from all the chaos, to an experience she totally deserves.


8. Letting her pick the movie

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Isn’t it a small price to pay to watch her favourite stars on the big screen and let her thank you for a wonderful movie date? I thought so.


9. Promising that your individual careers will ALWAYS be equally important

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No impractical expectations and no forced decisions. An untold promise to always support your wife in her endeavours will easily win you the title of ‘The Best Husband’ ever. 🙂

However, amidst all the DO’s there is one big DON‘T!


10. Never forget to buy a term insurance policy


Or else my friend, you might end up like the guy in the video, giving his wife reasons to be disappointed with him, from the beyond! Not the kind of ‘hello, from the other side,’ you’ve heard about! So, what are you waiting for? Compare and buy your term insurance on policybazaar.com before it’s too late.

This story is brought to you in association with PolicyBazaar.com

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