New Research Shows That Having A Beard Might Actually Be Healthy For You

Beards. Most people love it, some staunchly oppose them. But like many other things in life, love them or hate them, you can’t ignore them. Beards have been a mainstay for men in since the onset of time. They have found resurgence in their popularity lately, mainly because of the Hipster Movement. Beards have found growth ( 😛 ) in all walks of society, and they are attracting medical attention too.

Helps against skin cancer!

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Apart from keeping your skin from aging and helping to avoid skin-related infections, your ample facial hair will also prove to save you from skin cancer. Research proves that 95% or more of ultraviolet radiation from the sun is absorbed or blocked by beards. Which means there is that much less a chance of contracting skin-related complications or even cancer.

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It kinda sucks sometimes

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Apart from repeated Taliban jokes behind your back and struggling to eat food for the fear of feeding some to your generous chin growth, one study proved that thick beards might contain live and active bacteria that may make it comparable to a toilet pot.John Golobic from Quest Diagnostics, New Mexico, ran a study with a number of participants and incurred that although certain normal bacteria present in the beards are good, others

John Golobic from Quest Diagnostics, New Mexico, ran a study with a number of participants and incurred that although certain normal bacteria present in the beards are good, others contain a lot of waste matter, or in his choicest words, “More poop than toilets.” This study was later backed by the fact that some men should improve with their post digestion cleaning rituals.

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BUT, hope isn’t lost!

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A recent study now proves that beards may actually help you fight diseases, among other things. Research conducted in a hospital in America and published in the Journal of Hospital Infection showed that beards contained bacteria which might be killing off other bacteria which resist anti-bacterial medication.Findings suggested that after a total of 408 male hospital staff were swabbed for bacteria, the ones who were clean shaven were more susceptible to house bacteria like Methicillin-resistant staph aureus (MRSA), which is resistant to antibiotics.

Findings suggested that after a total of 408 male hospital staff were swabbed for bacteria, the ones who were clean shaven were more susceptible to house bacteria like Methicillin-resistant staph aureus (MRSA), which is resistant to antibiotics.

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All hail beard bacteria!

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But studies done on the bacteria that were found from beards showed that it contained a certain bacteria which kills of other bacteria, including that of E. Coli. So, basically, these bacteria create toxins which can be used to create new antibiotics to eradicate more species of dangerous bacteria.

Coming back to the point of poop being present in your beard, it’s nothing! Turns out, the bacteria is also present in your small intestine, and it’s not necessarily a relative of poop bacteria.

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So, in the end, beards definitely have more benefits than disadvantages. The important thing to keep in mind, though, is to take real good care of your man-pride, and you can find help here.

Don’t give in to hate if you’re committed to growing a beard, and now you have research to back your decision.

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