10 Things You Can Do To Become Like Your Favourite Superhero In Real Life

Somebody said and I quote, “There is a superhero that stays inside of you.” Yes, ladies and gentleman, the wisecracker is me (yours truly) and I say this with conviction, in fact, out of personal experience. I bet you have seen it too; A working mother, dangling between deadlines, prepping kids for school, rings a bell?

While we must be grateful to be in the midst of all the unsung heroes/sheroes, we must also make the time to realise that we can be our own superhero too! Now, I’m aware, that it took Spiderman, a radioactive/genetically modified spider to spread the web, but there are simpler things. Things that could help you enter the league. Things that don’t bite!

On that note, how about a run-of-the-mill list that will tell RE-introduce you to these things? Hey, I will not, your favourite superhero will. 

1. Move with meditation like Doctor strange

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All the Cumberbitches (not me, they call themselves that) and brats, do I need to say more? I mean come on, if it was not for yogic meditation, Doctor Strange would have never does what he does with shaky hands. So, doesn’t matter if you’ve missed the chance today, place a yoga mat tomorrow and let meditation do the magic! 


2. A daily run like The Flash

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Okay, I’m not saying to match up with the pace, but the least you could do is strap on to the expensive running shoes you have stored in your closet for the longest period of time and go jog! Believe you me, once you start, nothing will be able to stop you. NOTHING. 


3. Lead a healthy lifestyle like Captain America

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That means, say NO to alcohol, smoking, and drugs (and cussing in case you’re a die hard fan. Cause I am). While we are still at it, I don’t think I have to mention the benefits of eating right and shunning habits that might harm your system. Remember YOLO!


4. Sleep well for a balanced mind like Professor X

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If any day you want to come up with your ‘men’, maintaining a healthy sleep cycle is the key. No, I’m not in favour of sleeping it through but you should know when to not hit snooze. 😛


5. Set your workout routine like the mighty Thor

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Learn it from the God himself. Please don’t go trying everything that you read online. Instead, consider your body type and chose the workout regime that suits you. I mean, Thor does it all that is needed by lifting his hammer, the Mjölnir. And you don’t want to wear your body out, do you? 


6. Learn how to defend yourself like Wonder woman

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Everything said and done, it is a brutal world outside. And if you want yo make it to the long run, you’ll have to learn to defend yourself. I mean look at her for inspiration; doesn’t matter if you don’t have metal cuffs/ impenetrable shield/ lasso of truth, just find the courage. You’ll be good to go. 


7. Take occasional outdoors hikes like Superman

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Nobody is asking you to try taking a flight without a plane (please, do not try such things). But go outdoors, and soak in all the UV you need for a bright day! Hey, Superman needs it too, hum toh mere earthly beings hain


8. Learn to control your temper like Bruce Banner aka HULK!

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A smiling Bruce is always better than the green, angry beast! Well, that’s because Bruce knows how to control the influx of wrath that turns him into a monster. Now, unless you’re fighting Loki, there should be no place reserved for anger in your life!


9. Learn to find humour in hardest of situations, just like Deadpool!

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Look at the picture. Need I say more? And that is the face on the face of cancer, isolation, humiliation and what not! Because haste haste kat jaye raste. Hence proved.


While being a superhero is every bit enticing, I think we have a better shot at becoming a superhuman, no? 

10. Drink Tetley Super Green Tea like our Prince of Kolkata


I can vouch, there is no love like my love for Sourav Dada. And I’m sure you share my sentiment. Since that’s the case, why hesitate in sharing super healthy life habits? Go, pick your pack of Tetley green tea and claim your entry to the league of #RozKeSuperhumans

If you like to have choices, the green tea comes in two variants – Immune and Boost.

So, do your mornings a favour and start your day with Tetley green tea, for the superhuman in you! ? ?

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