12 Lesser Known Facts About Barack Obama That Make Him Who He Is

Barack Obama is a name most people are aware of. There was even a film made on his name. Remember, ‘Phas Gaye Re Obama?’ And today, this 44th President of the United States of America celebrates his 53rd birthday.

Like any other government, even the Obama government has seen their own pros and cons and have their own supporters and haters. Most of us know him for his oration skills and his remarkable personality that never fails to impress.

On his special day, here are some lesser known facts about Barack Obama that make him who he is:

1. He owns a pair of boxing gloves previously owned by Muhammed Ali.

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Kick ass, isn’t it?


2. He has a beer named after him in Kenya even though he rarely consumes alcohol.

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What do they say when they drink it? “Cheers to Obama!”


3. He has read all parts of the Harry Potter books with his eldest daughter, Malia.

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Isn’t that adorable!


4. He is the first US President to use Twitter. He currently has nearly 62.6 Mn followers.

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And growing…


5. His favorite artists are Jay Z, Rolling Stones, and Stevie Wonders.

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Hey! We have similar taste in music! 🙂


6. While growing up he smoked Marijuana & snorted cocaine.

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He looks so peaceful here. (Obviously!)


7. During his college days at Harvard, he applied to be a calendar model but was rejected by the all women committee.

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And how they must be regretting that now!


8. As a teenager, he worked at Baskin-Robbins as an assistant sales person.

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And rumor has it that now he is not fond of deserts. Too close to home?


9. He was known as O’bomber in his high school football team because of his exceptional skills at the game.

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And now when he finds some leisure time, he plays with the FBI people. Ain’t that cool?


10. He is a fitness freak and can efficiently bench press 200lbs.

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So. think twice before you mess with him. He is going to punch you with the Muhammed Ali boxing gloves.


11. He won the Grammy award for Best Spoken Word Album in 2006 and in 2008.

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And that’s how he paid off his student loan. #TrueStory


12. Other than English, he can speak Indonesian and Spanish.

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Although his Spanish is a little weak.

With US Presidential election lined up for November 2016, he has very little time to make some more changes that the world remembers him for. We wish you all the best for your future endeavors Mr. Obama. Happy Birthday! 🙂

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