10 Negative Things About People Which Can Actually Be Good

There are certain habits that are generally not so favoured by people. Seriously, who wants to put up with the tantrums of a narcissist or cater to the needs of a selfish person? But upon thinking more, we can see that these traits have way more to them than what meets the eye, and they might not be so bad after all!

Here are 10 seemingly bad traits which can actually turn positive:

1. Non-conformity

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If you are a non-conformist, then you aren’t afraid to take a stand when the need arises. So why not be one?


2. Getting angry

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Getting angry about something and reacting to it is way better than keeping it suppressed. It will only eat you up from inside.


3. Crying

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Crying helps to calm you down about whatever you’re going through. So go on, bawl those eyes out!


4. Being selfish

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Being selfish means that you are your first priority. Since when is that a bad thing?


5. Being an introvert

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Introvert people are the most perceptive – the perks of being a wallflower people!


6. Being opinionated

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Having an opinion of your own is a mark of your individuality and personality. Such a bad thing, right?


7. Not sharing

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Not sharing everything only helps to put a boundary when needed. And trust me, for some people, it IS needed!


8. Staying up late at night

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Did you know that night owls are said to have more IQ and be smarter?


9. Being narcissistic

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A bit of narcissism makes you take better care of yourself, both physically and mentally. Found anything wrong with that?


10. Over thinking

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People who have a tendency to over think actually consider every possible scenario concerning a particular situation, and are more prepared for any outcome.


I got you thinking, didn’t I?

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