New Mom Uses Her Maternity Leave To Travel The World With 1-Year-Old Kid And Husband

Maternity leave is a period in which the new moms get to know their newborn child so that a healthy rapport is maintained between both of them.


Meet the 31-year-old woman, Karen Edwards, who doesn’t fall under the conventional definition of ‘newbie mom’. Along with her husband, Shaun Bayes, and her 1-year-old toddler, Esmé, she has traveled at least 12 countries.

The couple was backpacking even before Karen got pregnant. So, after Esme was born, their dream of travelling had almost taken a backseat.

But this amazing couple didn’t let the pregnancy deter their plans.


Shaun left his job, the couple sold their car, and rented out their London apartment and set out to travel in Karen’s maternity leave with their 10-week-old baby.

People obviously thought they were nuts to do this. This is what Karen had to say:

Both Shaun and I were keen backpackers before I fell pregnant and everyone thought we were completely nuts when we said that we were going to take Esmé when she arrived… We have no regrets, she got to experience new sights, scenes and smells as she grew and that is incredible.


Karen Edwards shares her travel experiences on her blog and Instagram account.  Let’s have a look at the photos.
Instead of staying at home, the couple resorted to travelling…


During their 10-month-long trip, they visited amazing places in Ireland, Australia, Singapore, Malaysia, Indonesia, Vietnam, Taiwan, and Hong Kong.


Out of all the places, Vietnam is Karen’s favorite destination spot. People of Vietnam loved Esme a lot.


Who wouldn’t? I mean, just look at her…


Karen maintains a blog named, Travel Mad Mum, in which she documents her travels…

Isn’t that amazing? The trio is in Thailand now and plans to visit Cambodia next.


“The overall aim is to inspire like-minded travel loving parents – your travel days do not have to be over.”

Here’s some inspiration to parents who had always longed for travelling but couldn’t do it!

H/T: Elite Daily 

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