Indian Sisters Run A Baby Spa In Australia And The Pictures Will Bust Your Stress INSTANTLY!


Of course, you’ve heard about spas and retreats for the adults who struggle hard to survive in the brutal world. Well, because stress! Imagine having to do all that; endure the hardships and not being able to tell how it sucks? Yes, your cute little baby goes through a lot more than that grunt. Be it the crappy bladder control/ diaper disasters or the pestering aunt who’d plant sloppy and wet kisses all over, children go through a lot (I know cause I have been one).

Now, finally, two souls sent from heaven have considered the plight and looked it in the right eye. In fact, going by the pictures, if there’s anything a kid likes (after the warm embrace of his/her mother), it’s a BABY SPA.

Sister, Anita Yap and Kavita kumar have opened up Baby Spa Perth which is Australia’s first bath and massage parlour for babies. 


In case you’d want to know, the clientele ranges from 6 months to 6 year old. See for yourself!

1. Yup, that’s Anita with her 4 days old newborn, Xavier.


2. The floating device is called a ‘bubby’ and I wish I had this growing up!

I’d still take it though. 😛


3. Wake me up when March ends?


4. ‘I’m gonna win ya!’


5. Is that a CODE BROWN?


6. Tickle time!


7. Readying for the Olympics!


8. ‘Hey miss, can I get some milk?’


9. SQUAD: brothers from different mothers


10. ‘How you doin?’


11. ‘Didn’t want to wet my hair!’


12. ‘Bath time over? Oh, no!’


13. Long hair, don’t care!


14. ‘Yes, right there!’


15.Oh, sweet lord!

OH MY GOD!!! You guys, I’m not sure if my heart is in the right place. Why on earth am I not a kid?!

H/T: BoredPanda

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