Travel Buffs Can Now Score A Free 3-Night Stay In Norway & See Northern Lights With Bae

Allow us to interrupt scheduled programming and make an important public service announcement. No, scratch that, tell you about a chance of a lifetime! Because we found a way for one lucky Instagram user (and their plus one) to win a 3-night stay at a holiday resort in Norway and witness the most magical spectacle ever – the aurora borealis (Northern Lights) for FREE!

The stay is at the Aurora Borealis Observatory, Senja Island, Norway. This luxury resort has apartments for guests as well as waiting/lounging areas from where people can observe the Northern Lights. You can also view the magic while lounging in a jacuzzi or snuggling in a tent!

So, the good people behind this opportunity are @wonderful_places and here is the official announcement.

Essentially, the contest is open for everyone, including Indians (woot woot!) and participation requires only 3 simple steps that shouldn’t take more than 2 minutes. Yes, that simple.

Just like the post shared by them, follow the 4 handles mentioned in the caption and tag all of your travel buddies in the comments section. The lucky winner will be chosen at random and notified on November 18.

What are you waiting for? Go on, get tagging.

Cover Image Source – left, right

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