10 Questions You Should Ask Yourself Before Starting Your Own Business

Starting your own business.

Most people unless they’ve always known they’re going to a business person, have wondered what it’d be loke have a business of their own instead of the 9 to 5 jobs they’re just living through now. Have you thought about it too?

Then here are a few questions you should definitely ask yourself if you want to start on your own.

1. Do I believe in my idea completely?

Do you think your idea is something you really want to work on and it’s completely worth dedicating yourself to it? If yes, go ahead with it because if you didn’t try then you would never know.

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2. Is it the right time to jump into this?

Are you ready for it for this colossal jump from where you are right now into the lake, not knowing how deep you’ll fall into it? Is the market ready for you? Are you ready for the market and all the uncertainties it comes with?

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3. Am I ready for the worst thing that could happen?

When you take the jump, you have to be ready with an answer for this. The worst thing that could happen to you is that you fail. A person who fails is not a loser, but a learner of a higher order. When the fear of failure is gone, there’s nothing left but success.

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4. Am I a good decision maker?

Do you pride yourself on being a good decider of things without hassles and abundant clarity? Then there’s really no stopping you. It’s okay to fumble sometimes, but believing in yourself makes you stronger and that’s what it all needs…belief.

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5. Am I a multi-tasker? Can I learn how to multitask?

Can you handle a lot of things together at the same time? Because starting your own business will mean looking after a thousand things mostly alone and ensuring nothing goes wrong in any of them. If you cannot do that concentrate on one thing alone at a time like most of us have been taught to, it can be learned how to multi-task and mostly the pressure itself make a multitasker out of you.

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6. Am I doing something that’ll solve real time problems?

Before you dive headfirst into this, pause for a moment and think however great your idea is, will it doing any good for the people who are your potential customers. As they say, a good reviewer will tell one person but a bad review goes everywhere. Also, would your idea be a solution to any real time problems in the world? Would it be of any use in making everybody lives a little more livable?

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7. Is my idea unique? If not, how can I make it better than my competitors? How can make it hard for others to copy it?

When you’re in the race, you’ll always have to strive to make your product better or different or both than the rest. Are you ready for it?

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8. Do I have enough money to get this thing off the ground and sustain myself as well?

Ideas cannot be destroyed but the people can be. So the first thing you need to ensure that you have enough money for starting off with the plan and also enough that’ll be your fall back money you might need when you’re facing problems. Also, you need money to not just sustain your business but yourself.

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9. How much time have I invested in planning for this?

Actually, it doesn’t matter how much time, but how much thought you’ve put into this. If you’ve thought it out well enough, troubleshooting all the initial errors that can be a hindrance in 5 mins, it’s good to go. The point is about being foolproof not fast.

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10. Why am I willing for a risk like this?

Because you just have to! Right?

If not here then where? If not now, then when?

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Now go ahead and rock the world! 🙂

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