Afghan Girls Robotics Team That Was Denied Entry In US Just Won Europe’s Biggest Robo Fest!

Hell hath no fury like a woman scorned. In this case, there were six Afghan girls and they were the smartest of the lot! Like, ‘building robots’ smart. Of course, they were going to shatter all competition. And they did!

A robotics team comprising six girls from Afghanistan just won the Entrepreneur Award at Europe’s biggest robotic event, the Robotex 2017 festival, in Tallinn, Estonia.

But here’s the interesting thing that adds an extra dash of smugness to this triumph.

These very girls where denied entry to the United States TWICE when they expressed interest in participating in the Global Challenge Robotics competition in Washington DC!

According to News 18, it was only after a lot of hue and cry on social media and Presidential intervention that the Afghan girls were finally permitted into America, where they went on to win the silver.

You know what they say, a victory achieved after lots of failures is the sweetest! Well, no one can vouch for that more than these girls!

Twitter erupted in praise and congratulatory messages for this award-winning team of geniuses.

1. Their country of origin makes their victory even more landmark! Afghan Girls  #FTW

2. We’ve found a new team of PowerPuff Girls!

3. Ummm… okay?

4. Ouch!

5. Robot Apocalypse, y’all!

Congratulations, girls! Many more challenges to overcome; many more hurdles to face. But you don’t let it get you down.

The geeks shall inherit the earth! *evil laugh*

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