35 Funny Illustrations On Adulthood That Will Make Every Twenty Something Go, “That’s Me!”

Everyone wants to grow up as quickly as possible when they are a kid. To take decisions of their own, have a dream job, buy what you want, eat what and when you want, it all seems so fascinating. However, when adulthood actually strikes, you realise that life was much better when you were a kid. Loads of responsibilities, unwanted stress and competition from everyone makes you miss those good old days of childhood.

Illustrator Caitlin Quijano has made a series of webcomics on adulthood that are hilarious and highly relatable. Check them out.

1. Jealousy used to be so much simpler as kids


2. Making friends is the hardest thing ever


3. Now keep paying for your life


4. That’s the best option


5. See you with a new task next time


6. The times when you miss your mom


7. *Poof* just like that


8. How did people survive before Google?


9. When you are back from vacation, but your brain is not


10. What you think vs what you get


11. Why God, why?


12. Balance is important in life


13. Nah, change is not that good


14. Munching on snacks be like


15. How dare you?


16. Nap time. Yay!


17. Move along, Todd. Don’t make any eye-contact


18. No timeouts?


19. Let’s just ignore that


20. What a great solution 


21. Damn, Scooby-doo was better than this


22. Queen of ‘IDGAF land’ maybe


23. Life struggles


24. It’s a vicious cycle


25. That’s not a choice kiddo


26. This basically sums everything up


27. Aha!


28. Northerners will vouch for this


29. I waste every single day of my life. That’s a hobby, right?


30. When the body says no


31. It IS pretty nice here


32. You had me at WiFi


33. When reality strikes


34. Yeah, it’s all going down the drain


35. Oh, the horror!

If you have hit adulthood recently too, you’d know that these are 100% on point.

H/T: Boredpanda

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