This Girl Saw A Kid With Her Abductor In Delhi Metro And What She Did Next Saved Her Life!

“It is by presence of mind in untried emergencies that the native metal of man is tested.”

No one can deny these words by renowned American poet, James Russell Lowell. The true mettle of a person is tested only in the most adverse conditions. If one keeps their calm and use their mind to the fullest, there is no difficulty in the world that can not be toppled.

A Quora thread asked users of some of the greatest examples of the presence of mind. While there were a lot of answers, this answer by one of the users really stood out. Read on.

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I’d like to share something that my sister did.
This happened a couple of years ago.

While travelling to her work as a part of her daily routine in Delhi metro train, in a crowded train she spotted a little girl, 3-4 years of age who looked pretty drowsy. The girl looked like she belonged to a good family, travelling with a help, probably to school. But every time she woke up even a little, she seemed agitated and irritable and the guy would just put some sort of a handkerchief around her face saying, “Soja, beta, soja” (Sleep, kid), and she would just doze off again. Perhaps, it contained some sedative.

In a busy train, he just had to pretend he meant good. My sister smelled something fishy and it didn’t seem quite right. She asked a man if he thought the same but he asked her to mind her own business. She noticed the help guy was trying to contact somebody but wasn’t able to catch a network.

So what she did was an act of real courage and the thorough presence of mind.
She went up to the guy and asked him if she could borrow his phone, citing her mother was to pick her up. The guy complied. She made a call to her own phone, deleted her number from his mobile, and returned it. This way she acquired his number. When the next station was nearing, she made a call to his phone, muted her call, which made the guy get up and move away from the girl to catch a network.

As soon as the train gates opened, she grabbed the kid by her arm and dragged her out, pushing her on the ground so he couldn’t see her amidst all the crowd if he peeped out of the window.

She turned around to see the guy trying to find the girl on the train.

As soon as the train left, she shouted for the guards to rush, and later took the girl to the police, who, after she was sober enough called her parents up.

Her parents couldn’t thank her enough but she refused to meet them.

All I want to say is, it made us really proud of her. And what she did was some real show of presence of mind…
And heart.


Thanks to the quick thinking of the girl, a little kid’s life got saved.

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This Quora answer has been published with the required permission from the author.

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