25 Truths You Will Understand Only If You Are A New Parent

A baby fills a place in your heart that you never knew was empty ~Anonymous

Are you a new parent or know someone close who is? Then you will certainly relate to these cute little happenings that every new parent experiences.

1. Long talks over the phone without your baby interrupting is impossible



2. You get super good at multitasking



3. You have to eat super fast



4. Waking up at 2 am, 4 am, 6am to feed the baby



5. The house will have an awesome baby smell



6. You will invent your own ways to deal with the baby poop thing



7. Whenever you go out, you will have to carry bags of baby stuff



8. Your constant worry – ways your baby can get hurt and how to prevent it



9. You will curse yourself when your baby slips down and gets hurt



10. You will become pro at washing their tiny clothes



11. You will high five your partner when it crosses all points in the progress sheet



12. They will do weird things and utter weird names. You will start using those names too



13. Chocolates and candies will taste better coz you’ll rarely get to eat them. All for the kid



14. You will know what’s on the cartoon channel better than the news channel



And you’ll know all their names by heart



15. You will do things you thought were dumb.



16. You will start spending less on yourself and save more for your kid



17. You will use some of your parent’s tricks on your kid



18. Your house will get messy with scattered food, toys but will get more colorful than ever



19. You punish them to correct their mistakes, but you get hurt too



20. Your laptop, phone will be filled with cute pictures & videos of your kid



21. You don’t realize how fast your kid grows



22. They will destroy things you loved, but that’s OK



23. You will die to see that look on their face when you surprise them



24. They will make you laugh like never before



25. Finally, nothing makes you more proud than the first time you hold your baby’s hand & know it’s your job now to protect and provide for that little person

“A baby will make love stronger, days shorter, nights longer, bankroll smaller, home happier, clothes shabbier, the past forgotten, and the future worth living for”

~ Anonymous (probably a parent) 🙂

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