19 Realistic & Easy New Year Resolutions That You Can Actually Achieve In 2020

Here’s the thing about New Year resolutions – people tend to set unrealistic goals like having rainbow-coloured hair, or working out for 2 hours every day, or even eating a bowl of salad every day for the rest of the year. Things like these are difficult to achieve and more often than not, people fail in the middle of the 1st week of January.

However, if you’re looking for resolutions that are easy to achieve and will add meaning to your life, we’ve got you covered! Here’s a list of 19 resolutions which will make 2020 a year to brag about.

1. Say ‘Thank You’ more often.

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Whenever you’re at a grocery store, or taking a ride on an auto-rickshaw, or even ordering food at a restaurant, say ‘thank you’ to anyone who is at your service or helps you. Say thank you to the driver when you get off your cab/rickshaw, to the man billing you before leaving the payment counter at any store, to the delivery guy, and even the security guard who holds the door for you. It will instantly make their and your day better.

2. Smile more.

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Whenever you’re talking to somebody, be it your office manager, your maid, or even a random person on the street asking for direction, always smile.

3. At least have one meal that is packed with vegetables.

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People, EAT YOUR VEGGIES! No, you do not have to have a tasteless salad. If you’re a non-vegetarian and you tend to have only animal-products for every meal, try to slip in a sabzi at least for one meal.

4. Switch cold drinks and packaged juices with water, green/black tea, or black coffee.

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This is a good way to increase your fluid intake. Sometimes, drinking 2-3 litres of water may look like too much work and you might crave that sugary drink. However, if you drink honey water, tea, or coffee instead, not just will your craving stop, you will also be keeping your fluid intake in check.

5. Maintain a weekly to-do list.

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This is the best way to remember to pick up something you need, finish off a project, complete a household chore, or meet a friend.

6. Read at least 1 chapter of a book every day.

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Take baby steps towards developing a reading habit. There is nothing more fruitful than developing the mind.

7. Get some sunshine every day.

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Never underestimate the power of sunshine to lift your mood on a gloomy day!

8. Wake up early.

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I don’t know if you have ever experienced this, but sleeping for a longer time or waking up extremely late in the morning makes you feel even more tired and drowsy. Waking up in the morning will make you feel immensely fresh and energised. Try it!

9. Have at least 1 meal with the entire family every day.

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This is the best way to make sure you spend enough family-time. Talk about your day over dinner and share some funny stories. Prioritise your family and you will always have someone to fall back upon.

10. Tell your family how much you love them as much as you can for as long as you can.

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You shouldn’t wake up one day in another city or country, miss your family, and regret about how you never told them enough how much you loved them. Grab the chance when you have it.

11. Spend some alone time with yourself.

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People tend to rely on others to have a good time. And when everyone else is occupied, they end up feeling extremely lonely. Go for a walk, take yourself out on a little date or a movie, or engage in a hobby by yourself. Learn to enjoy your own company.

12. Save money.

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Enough with the mindless spending already! Save as much money as you can. Set a budget for every month and stick to it. If you have money left at the end of the month, do not think of at as an excuse to party or buy those awesome pair of shoes. Keep the money aside for an emergency. You never know when you might need it!

13. Clear out all the unnecessary junk from your room and keep it clean.

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Get rid of those clothes you never wear or are waiting to lose weight to be able to fit into them. Get rid of all that junk that has been cluttering in your room for years. Keep only the things you are sure you’ll need.

14. Learn how to cook if you don’t already.

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Stop relying on food delivery apps. Cooking your own meals is not just cheap but is therapeutic AF. If you need to calm your mind after a stressful day or need to do away with negative thoughts, cooking is your friend. Try it!

15. Take care of a plant/animal.

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There is no better way to be more empathetic, nurturing, and humane. Caring for a pet is like caring for a newborn baby for a long, long time. It’s the same with plants. All your attention will be dedicated to keeping it alive and healthy. It makes people think about things beyond themselves.

16. Don’t waste food at a restaurant. Pack it and give it to people living on the streets.

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It is okay if you aren’t able to finish the entire plate. But don’t send the food back. Instead, ask the waiter to pack the leftovers and give it to the needy.

17. Find your ‘thing’.

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Everybody has their own thing. Some bake excellent cookies, some take moving photographs, some like listening to music from all over the world, and some are great at writing humorous pieces. If you haven’t found your thing already, start searching for it in 2020.

18. Keep your phone away when you’re with people and urge them to do the same.

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It’s extremely annoying to see people glued to their phones in the middle of an outing with others. Let your phones remain inside your bags or pockets and engage in conversations instead.

19. Be grateful.

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Every night before going to sleep, think about 3 things you are grateful for. It’s a great way to channel some positive energy into your life and remind yourself that life isn’t so bad.

So, are you ready to take on 2020?

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