Frequent Yawns To Endless Doodling, These 16 Signs Suggest You’re Bored Easily

Ever fell asleep during a lecture? Do you avoid going to pay the bills ‘coz standing in a queue bores you? Ever walked out in the interval of a particularly yawn-inducing movie? Then this article is for you. People think getting bored is an easy job. But frankly, it is a lot more difficult than it seems. You have to shut your mind about whats happening around you, wander off in your own thoughts, and perhaps get sleepy.

Here are some signs that you are one of those hard working people 😉

1. You have a habit of fidgeting with your hair, be it while waiting for someone to show up, or even while talking to someone

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The conversation is probably boring.


2. You are forever sleepy- be it in a class, or office, or even a social gathering

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That, or you are smoking some serious shit. Being bored would be better.


…The side effect of being sleepy- you yawn a lot

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And God forbid if you yawn on a date, be rest assured that there won’t be a second date.


3. Your hands and legs are never at ease

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To and fro, to and fro, that’s the way we go, yeah!


4. You can start humming a song in the most awkward situations

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Like, in a board meeting. After all, your mind is on that song, and without even realising it, you start humming it. Your boss won’t be amused.


5. If you are into Baba Ramdev, you do that exercise where you rub your nails against each other

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Screw Yoga, you are just plain bored.


6. The eye roll is your most often used expression

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Either you get bored a lot, or you are a fan of Maya Sarabhai. I’ll bet on the former.


7. Your concentration levels are that of a tea spoon

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You get zoned out in the middle of a movie, a cricket match, or even a rock show. And after a while you realize, you haven’t been paying attention.


8. You have a habit of constantly checking your phone

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No, you are worried about your girlfriend/boyfriend/boss/mom/that random dude from work messaging you. You, yes you mister, are bored!


9. You talk to yourself, sometimes out loud

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And it gets kind of embarassing sometimes.


10. Your drawing and sketching skills are of the level of Vincent Van Gogh

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Borne out of the consistent practice of scribbling during your Mathematics lecture.


11. You are forever unimpressed

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Its not easy to please you.


12. You have a habit of staying awake in the night, ‘coz all your drowsiness is reserved for the day

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13. You are always online on all the social networking sites- even the ones where yours is the only profile

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Even when you are attending a career seminar!


14. You try to ‘eat’ your boredom away

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Not a very ‘healthy’ way to deal with it.


15. You probably make some sort of irritating noise- at your workplace, in class, or while watching TV

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We are sure you won’t agree to this, so just ask your roommate, colleague, or anyone who sits somewhere around you.


16. But all said and done, you can’t really help being bored, and that’s okay

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What we are trying to say here is that, give things- books, movies, lectures, board meetings- a fair chance to grab your attention. It might just interest you.

After all, boredom is just a state of mind.

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