13 Signs You Are A Purely Non-Vegetarian Foodie

Man is an omnivorous creature. He is capable of eating meat as well as green, leafy vegetables. While all that is okay, the main question that arises here is- why would anyone eat vegetarian food when non-vegetarian food tastes so darn good?! Though this debate will never, ever end, I can sense a lot of you nodding along in agreement to my statement. To them I would say- you’re not alone, guys. You’re not alone.

All the die-hard purely non-vegetarian food buffs will relate to the points mentioned below:

1. You skip the vegetarian part of the menu card instinctively

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Your reasoning is very clear.


2. When you go to an all-veg restaurant, you feel helpless

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What does one eat in such places?!?! Ghaas phoos? 😛


3. You know which restaurants in your city serves the best meat

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“Un ka butter chicken best hai. Lekin unki fish curry, bakwaas.”


4. You have to forcefully eat the vegetarian stuff your mother/cook makes at home

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Why does meat have to be so expensive? 🙁


5. You are the person who makes fun of your vegetarian friends

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“Tu matar paneer mein hi khush rehta hai? LOL.”


6. Every special occasion in your house has to have a non-vegetarian dish

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7. You have to have something non-vegetarian every day

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Be it eggs for breakfast, or a chicken kaathi roll as a snack. Non-veg is important.


8. You are an expert at cooking at least one of your favourite non-veg dish

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Because basic skills are important.


9. Shravan and Navratri are your worst nightmares

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It takes real will-power not to eat non-vegetarian food for weeks. But some of you who are the purest of the pure non-veg foodie, don’t really care which month it is. 🙂


10. Who said vegetarian food is good for dietary reasons?

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Dal? Heh. I’ll just have grilled chicken as a protein intake.


11. You can handle having a non-vegetarian dish all by yourself

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Who needs help when it’s meat? Not me.


12. You and your love for non-vegetarian food is known to everyone

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And they know how to make you happy. (hint: bring non-vegetarian food)


13. And no matter how many things in your life change, your love for it will not

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Non-veg, forever and always.

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