11 Phrases That Mean Much More Than ‘I Love You’ To Your Partner

The three words that profess your love are magical.

They may be said in the intense heat of passion, after a casual glance or in a melted embrace but mean exactly the same thing – the conveyance of love. It takes so much courage to say the three words because you leave yourself open to the other person, inviting them to love you, as you love them.

But these three words are not the only string of words in the vocabulary of words that will move a person.

Some phrases mean so much more than ‘I love you’ and it makes the relationship somehow transcend even the boundaries of love to a place where the soul is happier than it ever was.

1. “I am here.”

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Being in love is easy. Being dependable is hard work. Being with the person you love in the good times is an easy job, but being with the person when they are going through a low that makes them bitter and upset is probably the best thing you can do for them.

As they say, smooth sailing doesn’t make good sailors, and just like that, taking the wheel during rough sailing makes the relationship stronger.


2. “It is going to be OK.”

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Sounds cliched but at least, one person in the relationship should be an optimist through all terrains – rough and smooth.

Positivity should never be lost, even at the lowest of times and by just believing and convincing your love that the future is going to be bright can make a huge difference in the mindset of the both of you.


3. “It’s fine.”

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Even in the “perfect” relationships, someone is bound to get offended by something the other person said. And because it is love, the person who said the offensive thing will feel sad after some time.

You need a big heart to take the offense, diffuse it and let it go. And by letting go, there should be enough room in your heart to even tell it to the other person that you have let it go.

It eases you and your love equally.


4. “I am sorry.”

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While forgiving takes heart, asking for forgiveness takes bigger heart in these days of inflated egos. But apologies have become so shallow that these three words sometimes do not mean anything.

You really need to have a deep heart to accept your wrongs and ask for forgiveness, and not think for a second that just because you two know each other so well, apologies are just formalities.


5. “Why don’t you tell me all about it?”

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Talking to each other is an indicator of a good relationship. But listening to the other person when they are agitated or just sad, or just happy about something is equally important.

Having the patience of just keeping your day aside for a few minutes and listening to your love talk about their day strengthens your bonds. It makes you empathize with your love  – how their day was, what they face during the course of their day, how they deal with problems. It will only make you know your love better.


6. “Relax, I will do it.”

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In the hectic world we live in today, someone has to pitch in for some extra time when the other person is tired. If your love has some chores to do and has been stressed out lately, pitch in with help and do their share.

Small sacrifices (if you want to call them that) like these go a long way in making the other person feel better.


7. “Drop a text when you reach.”

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Caring for a person goes a long way. It is the transition time between locations that worries us the most. Letting a person know that you are here to care genuinely for them makes a lot of difference.

It makes the other person feel safer. But this line has to be treated carefully since there is a fine line between genuine worry and keeping compulsive tabs on your love.


8. “What do you think about it?”

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General conversations are fine. Talking about your day is a good thing. But you need to talk with your love about deeper issues. There have to be discussions, debates, and arguments about subjects that interest both of you. regardless of the way the discussions turn out, they make both of you talk about life in a much deeper way.

It challenges both of you and keeps the relationship interesting.


9. “How are you feeling?”

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Some of us just get when the other person is worried. It is important to go ahead and ask if everything is ok. Not with the intention that you are going to make the problem magically disappear, but you are there to care even if your love doesn’t want to talk about it.


10. “You look beautiful/handsome today.”

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You know that your love is beautiful, but in the hustle bustle of life, and the rush of it, we forget to take a few seconds off and appreciate the beauty of the person you are in love with.

Take an extra couple of seconds and go ahead and tell them that they look beautiful.


11. “I got your back.”

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While “I am here” conveys consolation, “I have your back.” conveys security. There is no better feeling in this world that there is one person in your corner who is the rock of your life that will not move come what may.

You are in love. Be grateful of this at the end of the day too.

Say thank you. It goes a long way.

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